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30 Day Anime Challenge

This is actually a pretty old challenge, I think it first started in 2013(?) but I wanted to do it anyway. This page will be updated with links as I progress through the challenge. 

Day 7:  Your Anime Crush 

Day 11:  Favorite Mech Anime 

Day 12:  Saddest Anime Scene 

Day 23:  Favorite Attack Someone Used in an Anime 

Day 24:  Moment that Shocked You the Most in Any Anime 

Day 25:  Saddest Anime Death 

Day 26:  Best Anime Fight

Day 27:  Most Bad-ass Scene From Any Anime Character 

Day 28:  Favorite Quote From Any Anime Character 

Day 29:  An Anime You Wished was Real 

Day 30:  An Anime You Wished Never Ended and Continued On 

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