Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Day 13: If I Were An Anime Character

Day 13: Anime Character You Are Most Similar To- A Mix

So in the spirit of me continually half-answering or not committing to a single answer to these prompts. I am a pretty solid mix of 3 anime characters. 

Konata Izumi and Patricia(Patty) Martin- Luky Star

These characters are pretty similar in that they both are otaku. The reason I cannot pick who I am more like is that they both have parts of me that are different. 

Patty looks almost exactly like I do in actuality, particularly in my high school days, with the exception of my eyes which are green. She learned her Japanese through anime and manga; I learned mine because of anime and manga but took actual classes. Her taste is Japanese music is limited to bands that make anime themes and this was true of me too until the past few years. She is also very bubbly which I am on the occasion that I am not too tired.

Konata has more of my personality which is sarcastic and often teasing. A chronic procrastinator and expert at all-nighters, that part of Konata is basically the embodiment of my college self. We have a similar taste in anime, video games and manga as well.

Tamaki Suoh- Ouran High School Host Club

For a back story, when I was in high school I was occasionally cast in male roles in my school's productions because of my lower-than-average voice and short hair. I pulled it off splendidly and developed a personality very similar to that of a charming prince when in my drag costumes. In college, this carried on in the way I often treat my female friends which is full of "smooth" compliments and semi-flirtatious remarks. I also share Tamaki's romanticism and occasionally even his ridiculous antics. He was the first character that came to mind for my friends when I asked for their opinion on today's prompt. 

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