Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Day 4: Shirayuki

Favorite Female Anime Character Ever: Shirayuki

Shirayuki is the title character of Akagami no Shirayukihime. She is an herbalist and shares the main protagonist role with her love interest, Zen Wistaria. 

Shirayuki is considered by some to be a Mary Sue or at least partially one. For people unfamiliar with the term, a Mary Sue is a character that can be considered "too perfect" or "idealized". It is most often used for fan-fictions or characters written by a beginner/unpublished author but there is a trope of  "Sues" that refers to characters of the original work of a professional/published author. Honestly though, whether or not she is a Mary Sue might bother some people but it doesn't really matter to me. 

Shirayuki is determined, hard-working, resourceful, and caring to a fault. She doesn't let love get in the way of her goals but rather uses it as motivation to achieve them. She is open and honest to everyone around her, saving her judgments until she knows they deserve it. She is regularly put into "damsel-in-distress" situations but often plays a part in getting herself out of them, a few times even managing to find a solution, or at least a stall, for her predicament before the hero arrives. My favorite quality about her is that Shirayuki doesn't fit many of the anime love-interest tropes. She can't really be referred to as any type of "-dere" and her love develops slowly from a trusting friendship, giving her the all-too-real worry of "is romance the best option for our relationship."

Long story short, I absolutely LOVE Shirayuki. 

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