Monday, September 11, 2017

Day 2: No Game No Life

Favorite Anime you've Watched So Far: No Game No Life

An invincible brother and sister shut-in gaming duo find themselves challenged to an online game of chess. Upon winning they are asked, "what do you think of your world?", and end up being sucked into a surreal world where war is banned and everything is decided through games.

It was extremely close, too close almost, so I decided to loosely define favorite as "anime that makes me so happy to watch I keep going back to it." Yes, this ruled out a lot of sad/heavy anime and don't get me wrong, I love those, but the generic definition of favorite is "preferred above all others of the same kind", which brings to mention that not all anime can really be considered "of the same kind." However, most days I go for "this makes me feel good" over "this challenges everything I know to be true and/or rips my heart out", hence my choice. Someday I will probably do a "favorite of every genre" post because that is more true to how I actually feel than having to choose one overall. This is really more of a "favorite of one of my favorite categories/genres" than an "anime I would choose over all others."

No Game No Life is not free of problems: there is no and never will be a second season even though it ends on a major cliff-hanger, the brother and sister dynamic can be considered a little too close sometimes(otherwise it is super cute), there is a lot of fan-service (not necessarily bad),and it could use a little plot/character work. However, that does not stop it from being one of the most beautiful, engaging, and charming anime in my humble opinion. Some anime come pretty close but whenever I start re-watching No Game No Life I end up watching it all in one sitting. Because it holds a special place in my heart, it gets a 10/10 but it may not be for everyone (ecchi warning)

Very Honorable Mentions:
Akagami no Shirayukihime- a more conventional romance anime. Very special in it's own way with many unique qualities but ultimately the concept itself is simple. I love it so much but as mentioned above, it is in almost a completely different category from No Game No Life so comparisons are difficult. 
Read my post about Akagami here.
Death Parade- a bit too heavy and morally thought-provoking to be re-watched at any moment but amazing concept and wonderful characters. If I had settled on a different definition of "favorite" it would have been even closer if not a win for Death Parade.
Read my post about Death Parade here

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