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Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Daily Anime #6 Silver Spoon

Hello, the usual blogger is not able to make a post right now, but they still wanted to have a post up. So, here is a daily anime suggestion from me, not the usual blogger

Image result for Gin no saji gif

Silver Spoon is an anime that features a main character who transfers from an school in the city to a school to a very rural school, that also happens to be an agriculture school. This character is definitely a fish out of water here, and struggles at first. As the show goes on, the main character discovers more about himself and how the world is much more complicated than he thought.

This show is a slice of life that combines comedy and school life. It will leave you in tears whether you are laugh crying or actually crying. A bright side to this show is that if you don't know a lot about agriculture, you will definitely know more after finishing this show. I would rate this anime an 9/10 on this blogs scale, because some episodes are not meant for the light of heart, even though I would recommend this anime to anyone who would listen. 

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