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Sunday, August 27, 2017

Death Note (2017 Netflix Live Adaptation)

A high school student picks up a strange notebook after it fell out of the sky nearby. Shortly after, a death god (shinigami) appears and explains that the note book has the power to kill anyone whose name is written inside. Although apprehensive at first, the student begins passing judgement on the world's criminals. He shows the notebook to one other, a girl, who becomes his accomplice in ridding the world of crime. Before long, a world-renowned detective is hot on his trail and he has to start making tough decisions about this powerful Death Note.

If you are looking for an exact rendition of the anime/manga move along and don't bother. Being set in America means changes are necessary to keep it "realistic", although some changes felt a little like cheating on the director's part.  Light is not quite the diabolical genius he is in the source material, has slightly different motives, and Ryuk is more of an instigator than a bored death god (I don't know how to feel about L). But if you look at the movie as something unrelated to the anime/manga, it is not the worst movie. It feels rushed at times (sometimes felt more like a really long trailer than a movie) and it did not always have the best acting but it was not so awful that I ended up watching it 2x (but that might be my limit). Overall I might give it a 2/10 as an adaptation but a 4.7/10 as a movie.

I apologize for the gif quality but the movie is new enough there are not a lot of good ones to choose from.

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