Wednesday, October 11, 2017


Day 22: Favorite Weapon, Gear, or Armour Used in an Anime

Excalibur is a weapon from the anime Soul Eater.

Does this count? I am counting it. As much as Excalibur has annoyed anime watchers throughout his existence, I have loved him the whole time. He, like all weapons in the Soul Eater universe, transforms into a sword, in this case the legendary weapon Excalibur. His random episodes that pop up here and there are hilarious to me. I love seeing him with King Arthur in the past.

Hate him if you want but he is definitely my favorite "weapon" in any show. 

Excaliburrrr Excaliburrr

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Day 21: Professor

Day 21: Favorite Goofy Anime Character- Professor, Nichijou

Professor (Hakase) is one of the main recurring characters in the show Nichijou. Her first name is unknown, being only referred to as Hakase which means Professor, but her last name is Shinonome. 

Finally a legitimate chance to talk about Professor! She is adorably, super smart, and a kid all the way through. Nichijou by nature is a ridiculous show but Professor is by far my favorite character. Her ridiculous inventions and the fact that she is genius who can't be any older than maybe 7 just takes the cake for me.

Day 20: Nanami Takahashi

Day 20: Anime Character that Gets on Your Nerves- Nanami Takahashi, Bokura Ga Ita

Nanami Takahashi is the main character of Bokura ga Ita (We were there).

Friday, October 6, 2017

Day 19: Let's Get EPIC

Day 19: Most Epic Scene Ever

The above GIF is mostly a joke because my favorite epic scene is a spoiler due to it being the last scene in the anime. If you are not a fan of spoilers I am sorry that I don't have something spoiler free except KAMEHAMEHAAAAA!!!!!

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Day 18: Supporting Females??

Day 18: Favorite Supporting Female Character- Umm...

I couldn't think of one right off the top of my head which leads me to the conclusion that I don't have a favorite "supporting" female character. Much to my dismay Professor (pictured above) is considered a main and when I thought about it she really is, so there went that idea. So I decided to look into the shows that I have seen and looked for supporting females that I thought were particularly notable to me in some way.

I didn't really find any.

I am not trying to say that there are no good female supporting characters, just that I don't have one that I think sticks out. Most supporting females in anime serve as a rival love interest, overall rival to female main, friend of main (with lots of sub-types of friend character) or sometimes really just as fan-service. Now these are very respectable roles but I noticed a few trends.

Trend #1: If there is a female main character, majority of supporting females are designed to make her look better in some way.  
 Example: Main Female is supposed to look really caring or "righteous" so the supports provide opportunities for MF to show off just how "pure" she is by needing to be saved or being weaker in some way. 
Another example is the "foil character", for those unfamiliar with the term a foil is a character that has contrasting traits to another particularly for the purpose of highlighting the traits of the other character. MF is caring and full of heart so foil character is apathetic. MF is kind and sweet so foil character is rough or "hard" and so on.

Trend #2: If the protagonist is female, often the supporting cast and very often the remaining "main" cast will be primarily male with other females taking a relatively smaller role. 
This is especially common in Shojou anime and even in some cases shounen. (I'm looking at you Soul Eater. Maka is the only female meister of note and Tsubaki gets like one episode focused on her. tsk tsk)

Trend #3: There will be a group of female protagonists but not as many fleshed out "supporting" females
Good examples of this are Nichijou, The iDOLM@STER and Sore ga Seiyuu! They maybe have one or two supporting females that could be considered "rounded" but they are often overshadowed or forgotten because of the group of mains. 

Those were the big three I saw, are there any supporting female trends you have seen? 

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Day 17: Undertaker

Day 17: Favorite Male Supporting Character- Undertaker, Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler)

Undertaker is a recurring supporting character in the series Kuroshitsuji, also known as Black Butler.